Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 4, 2020

A Nonpartisan Model for Developing Public-Service Leaders

A Nonpartisan Model for Developing Public-Service Leaders

by Robert McDonald , Douglas Conant and Andrew Marshall - April 20, 2020

As Covid-19 spreads around the globe and throughout the United States, effective government leadership matters more than ever. Enter Dr. Anthony Fauci. Having led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through six presidential administrations, Fauci embodies what it means to serve the American public. Whether at a congressional hearing, at a White House press conference, or on TV shows like Face the Nation, both the people and the president look to the 79-year-old public servant for direction in this uncertain time, on everything from why social distancing matters to what actions we can take to lessen the burden on hospitals and the healthcare system.

If more political and career public servants led with the mission-driven stewardship that we see in Fauci, this crisis and others like it, would likely play out very differently in the U.S. His example is a reminder of the importance of developing and sustaining a strong federal leadership corps anchored in a commitment to the Constitution and bolstered by practical competencies. Unfortunately, the government’s current leadership development approach - today and in previous administrations - has been neither up-to-date nor applied consistently, if at all, across departments and agencies, and is not fully imbued with the concept of the public trust.

Over the years, leadership development in government has been primarily focused on the relatively small number of employees who seek to enter the Senior Executive Service (SES), meaning SES standards are not inclusive of the broader workforce. Those standards aren’t just limited, they’re also outdated: The five Executive Core Qualifications - leading change, leading people, driving results, business acumen, and building coalitions - that serve as a framework for SES workers are built off of leadership competencies that were established in 1997 and lack the same relevancy in today’s complex world. Further, how leaders entering the executive ranks adhere to such standards varies widely, with many continuing to focus on their technical expertise rather than lead at an enterprise level.

To the point, when our organization, the Partnership for Public Service - a nonpartisan, nonprofit dedicated to making the federal government more effective for the American people - carried out focus groups with dozens of SES and HR officials, we found that many failed to practice the leadership competencies they committed to when they applied for the job.

To forge the leaders we’ll need to get through the next crisis, we need to implement a new model for training them today.

The Time is Ripe For Change

With 50% of the over 7,000 career members of the SES eligible to retire by the end of this fiscal year, and the 2020 presidential election promising a host of new political appointees, now is the time for government to change their approach to leadership development.

In response to this current need, the Partnership developed the Public Service Leadership Model - a guide for federal employees to reach their full potential. Most high-performing organizations have a single, sustained leadership model which is part of their DNA. Individual leaders bring their own personalities and style to the job, but there still must be a common framework, vocabulary and a shared understanding of what is expected across the organization. Our government still needs this true north.

Our model serves as a standard and a roadmap for both career employees and political appointees. It was built off of concepts inspired by literature reviews covering various models across both the public and private sectors, as well as surveys of thousands of federal employees who have participated in our leadership development programs, collaboration with executive coaches, and guidance from members of our Government Leadership Advisory Council. Co-chaired by two of us (Bob and Doug), the council is comprised of former CEOs, eminent academic scholars, military leaders, and former Cabinet secretaries.

Importantly, at the center of our model are two core values: stewardship of public trust and commitment to public good. These values are unique to government and derived from the constitutional oath all employees take when they enter the federal service. Given the vast and unmatched influence and resources of our government, trust in federal leaders and their integrity is paramount. The concepts of unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, liberty, and the general welfare of the American people must be at the heart of what it means to be a leader in government and ingrained in all development efforts.

Putting Our Model to Practice

Our model focuses on four key leadership competencies: becoming self-aware, achieving results, engaging others, and leading change. Each competency is learned by mastering a series of sub-competencies that - based on the current research - we know are the most effective leadership capabilities of today. These include emotional intelligence, evidence-based decision-making, equitably engaging a diverse workforce, understanding the importance of technology, and encouraging innovation and creativity.

Rather than wait for the system and the culture to change, leaders can begin to apply the model by focusing on applying these simple, yet powerful practices associated with each competency.

Becoming Self-Aware. Leaders reading this article are demonstrating self-reflection — taking time to reflect on their leadership style and to test assumptions. We consistently hear about leaders who struggle to find the time to reflect, yet those who do benefit tremendously. When Doug ran the Campbell Soup Company, he had a morning ritual that allowed him to reflect on his leadership approach. One recommendation we regularly make to leaders, especially executives, is to put a recurring appointment on their calendars to think about their strengths, weaknesses, preferences, values and leadership style, assessing what’s working and incorporating feedback from others on their leadership practices.

Engaging Others. Strong relationship building requires communication and trust. Bob famously shared his cell phone number at his first national news conference as secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This demonstrated a commitment to serving as an available, approachable secretary. Responsiveness and open communication were consistent fundamentals to his leadership style in government and during his time at Procter & Gamble. While most leaders may not have the ability to make a dramatic move during a press conference, all leaders can open their doors, set up regular office hours, and make time to sit down and listen to their team members.

Leading Change. Leaders can foster a culture of innovation and creativity by consistently pushing for improvement and encouraging experimentation. One such government leader who exhibits these characteristics is NASA senior technologist Parimal Kopardekar, who led his team to design a first-of-its-kind traffic management system for unmanned aerial vehicles, paving the way for large-scale use of commercial drones. Leaders who want to improve in this area may consider how they measure up to the 10 characteristics of innovative government organizations. There are many ways to do this, but to start, try making small bets on new ideas. For example, NASA runs challenges and prize-oriented competitions to solicit solutions to real-world operational problems. This generates ideas and prototypes for solving problems at a faster rate and lower cost than traditional acquisition methods.

Achieving Results. Leaders in the 21st century need tech savviness to improve outcomes. From artificial intelligence to augmented reality and beyond, well-applied technology can make a massive difference in achieving agency missions. Regardless of their technical background, leaders should make a concerted effort to learn new technologies and see how they can be used in service to the public. Federal executives could bring technology experts onto their teams, take a low- or no-cost course on AI basics, or establish a reverse mentoring relationship with entry-level employees who have higher levels of tech savviness than themselves. The leadership at the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, for example, has turned to technology experts to create virtual reality simulations to improve hiring and employee retention. They do this by distributing VR headsets that place candidates in challenging, interactive work environments, such as slaughterhouses, to gauge their comfort with the job before making hiring decisions.

In addition to the above competencies, it is also important that federal leaders set the direction and tone of their departments and agencies by injecting the government’s core values into their cultures. Simply asking the question: “What does it mean to represent the American people?” can serve as a powerful exercise to tap into the meaning of leading in public service.

Sally Jewell, former secretary of the Department of Interior and a council member at the Partnership, put it this way: “The government is in the forever business. You’re not just making decisions that impact today, or your lifespan, you’re making decisions that will impact generations to come.”

Lastly, leaders looking to apply the above competencies, should assess their performance with a critical eye, and solicit feedback from those who work closely with them. This self-evaluation could become part of supervisory check-ins, and be incorporated into individual development plans or ongoing reviews. The key is to avoid a box-checking exercise in lieu of actually changing your behaviors.

Towards a Better Future

As Americans, we have only one institution with the public mandate and resources to collectively address our nation’s most important challenges - the federal government. No matter one’s political persuasion or the tumultuous politics of the day, our nation needs highly competent civil servants to protect the public health and the environment, care for veterans, maintain the rule of law, respond to natural disasters, support the economy and, above all else, keep us safe.

We believe that our framework could serve as the central standard for doing so. Leaders would be better able to evaluate their performance, assess their leadership progress, and chart a course for self-improvement at different stages of their careers. At the same time, the civil service as a whole would benefit from such an approach, one that focuses on the continuing development of each individual from day one.  Of course the experience and expertise needed from a non-supervisor differs vastly from that of a senior executive, but the seeds planted in the former become the fruits of the latter.

Robert McDonald is the former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the former chairman, president and CEO of Procter & Gamble.

Douglas Conant is the founder and CEO of ConantLeadership and the former CEO and president of, Campbell Soup Company. 

Andrew Marshall is the Director for Leadership Development at the Partnership for Public Service.

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